This URP (Universal Render Pipeline) package includes a cute ladybug character, with simple animations, a script to randomize its colors, and a script to smoothly walk to a Transform position.This is intended for URP. Useful as a character or enemy in a platformer game. Ladybug model with simple animations. Includes idle, look around, walk, jump, attack, hurt, and die animations.Includes a default scene and prefab of the ladybug. Includes an example scene and prefab using a script for randomized colors. The "colorChanger" script randomizes the material color from a list of your chosen custom colors. Includes example scenes and a prefab for following a Transform position. The "followPosition" script smoothly moves the ladybug to the position and rotation of a gameObject or NavMeshAgent, adjusting walk animation speed based on velocity.Useful to quickly add a bunch of differently colored bugs to an environment, with random colors that can be customized to match the environment, and having them walk around on a NavMesh. You could animate or control an empty GameObject set as the target for a ladybug to walk to.1 Texture for the dots base map (4096x4096)1 FBX Ladybug model with skinned mesh and simple rig(3,904 polygons)(4,010 vertices)3 Prefabs (ladybug, ladybug_color_example, ladybug_follow_example)1 Animator8 Animations(Idle, Walk, Jump, Attack, Hurt, Die, Eyes looking around, Eyes Dizzy)6 Materials (URP, Lit)2 scripts (colorChanger, followPosition)4 Scenes (default, color example, 2 follow position examples)