This package contains all you need to build anything with wood logs ( survival base, log cabin, ... ) Perfect for any low-poly or isometric game !Features:Contains more than 20 wood logs structures prefabsPrefabs are made to be put together to create infinites possiblities of wood constructionAll models are low-poly ( 216-1928 triangles )Demo scene with building examples created with this packageAssets :RoofsWallsDoorBarriers and barricadesStaircaseLadderTable and BenchMaterial :One 256*256 texture image for all prefabsOther :Contact : s57debel@gmail.comDo not hesitate to write me an e-mail if you want an update or if there is a problem.Number of textures: 1 ( color palette )Texture dimensions: 256x256Polygon count: 3240Number of meshes/prefabs: 28Rigging: NoUV mapping: NoMinimum triangles count: 256Maximum triangles count: 1928