This package allows the creation of dialogs very RPG-Like, with smoothly text show-ups and a lot of useful configuration.
Click here to see the documentation!
List of cool stuff:
- Read the text from any TXT file - Awesome for quick changes on dialogs. No extra-code needed! Perfect for creating multiple languages too.
- Can Identify the Talker - Knowing who is talking, you can have its name on display, its photo along with it, and several other things!
- Uses Unity's Canvas - You can set up the Canvas in any manner you want to. The visual, the anchor, the fonts, etc.
- Static or following Canvas - Besides the classic dialog HUD, you can set the Canvas to follow someone. Billboard or not! Perfect for 3D projects.
- Word Wrap - You don't have to worry if the text is going to fit the Canvas. Let RPGTalk handle it!
- Callbacks - You can have functions in other Scripts to be called as soon as the dialog is over. That means you can do... Well, everything.
- Variables - You can set variables to be changed within the text. For instance: all the places that contain **PlayerName** should be replaced by the name that the player enter at the beginning of the game.
- Easy Animator integration - The script itself talk to any Animator you want to say who is talking, and if the mouth should move or not!
- Audio - You can set SoundClips to be played when the letters are moving and/or when the player passes a dialog!
New Stuff!
- Easy Localization/Language system
- Integrated with Timeline
- Easy to make questions and giving choices to the player