3d model is designed for computer games of different genres
you can use it in your game, make a retarget animation for itAnimation retarget Unity. Rigged to HumanoidFully rigged (standard humanoid rig)The skeleton is suitable for loading animations MIXAMOEditing the model is recommended in Maya (for example, to detach a scull, remove the big thing on the head, etc.)PBR Textures Metal/smoothness4K or 2k TexturesTexture sets are separated for each part8 Texture sets - Cuirass, Shingards (i mean pants), Head, Sabaton (I mean boots), Gloves, Sword, Shield, Maceused programs: ZBrush, 3D-Coat, Marmoset toolbag 3, Mayamy e-mail makslectorem@gmail.comPBR textures (Metallic Sheader)PBR texturesRigged with HumanoidAnimations: None-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal-Emission-Hieght(Textures 4096x4096, or 2048)Sword: Faces: 2370, Verts: 1187, Tris: 2370Shield: Faces: 2980, Verts: 1482, Tris: 2980Mace: Faces: 5886, Verts: 3081, Tris: 5886Knight: Faces: 37212, Verts: 37967, Tris: 730588 Texture sets - Cuirass, Shingards (i mean pants), Head, Sabaton (I mean boots), Gloves, Sword, Shield, Mace