Simple 2D weapon icons to use in game development.
Weapon names included in the package.
Does not require any additional packages.Weapon names included in the package.Over 60 weapon icons8 weapons types4 resolutions: 72dpi, 100dpi, 150dpi, 220dpiAssault rifles:- AK-12- AK-47- AS VAL- AUG A1- FAMAS- FN F2000- HK-416- HK-417- M4A1- SAR-21- SCAR-H- SCAR-L- M16- HK G36- HK G36 v2- HK G3- M16A4Explosives:- M7A2 Gas Grenade- M34 Smoke Grenade- M67 Grendade- M84 Stun Grenade- MK2 GrenadeHandguns:- Beretta 92FS- Beretta M92- Colt Python- CZ 75- Desert Eagle- FN-57- GLOCK 17- GLOCK 19- M92- M1911- SMith & Wesson Model 29- Ruger Superhawk- Taurus 856Launchers & Specials:- FGM-148 Javelin- FIM-92 Stinger- ICS-190 GLM Grenade Launchers- M79 Grenade Launchers- Minigun M134 Vulcan- RPG-7- Panzerfaust 3- Mk 152 SMAWMachine Guns:- M60E4- M60E4 (bipod)- M249 (bipod)- M249 (small magazine)- M249 bipod (small magazine)- PKP PECHENG- PKP PECHENG (bipod)- PKM- PKM (bipod)- MG 42- MG 42 (bipod)Shotguns:- Beneli M4 Tactical- JTS M12AK12- Komrad 12- Remington 870- Saiga 12K- Spas 12Sniper Rifles:- Barret M82- L115- M40A5- M98B- SW-98- M24- M24 (bipod)- Steyr SSG 69- SAKO TRG 42Submachine guns:- MP5- MP7- MP9- P90- P90 (v2)- UMP-45- UZI