The PBR Plague Doctor 3D Model is a high-quality, realistic representation of a classic figure with Victorian Age Style. Perfect for games, animations, and other visual media.About.This model has been designed with physically-based rendering (PBR) in mind, which means that it is optimized for use in modern game engines and other real-time rendering applications. It also includes a range of texture maps to provide a realistic and detailed appearance under various lighting conditions (Diffuse, Normal, Roughness, Metallic, HeightMap).The 3D Model is a great asset for anyone looking to add a touch of history and realism to their projects. Its high level of detail and realistic texturing make it a great choice for a wide range of applications.Note: The mask is removable, as the hat and scarf. The model doesn't have a 3d Body, only the clothes, accesories, the hands and the head.Images.All renders are made it with unity HDRP and Built-in Pipeline (First Image HDRP, others Images in Built-in)Motion.Hands Rigged, Coat Rigged Ready to Simulate the Cloth with high performance. Compatible with Humanoid Animations,Assets like: Boing Bones, Dynamic Bone.Render.A free hdr 360 Sky is included together as in the first image.3D MODEL2 Prefabs: High and Low Poly13 Meshes including the Cloth, Body and individual removable parts.High Poly: 155,473 Vertices (Recommended for Animations and Cinematics)Low Poly: 58,213 VerticesTEXTURES AND MATERIALSTextures: 26 PBR textures with 2K Resolution (Diffuse, Height, Metallic, Normal, Roughness)UV mapping: Yes. Overlapped vertices just in the Hat Material.Materials: 12 Materials: Body, Boots, Coat, Eyes, EyesReflection, Glass, Gloves, Hat, Pants, PlagueMask, Shirt, Suit.ANIMATION AND RIGAnimation Type: HumanoidRig: 86 BonesAnimations Included: Idle AnimationThe Model doesnt have Face Animations or Blendshapes.