Total Vertices: 87,477Edges: 170,942Poly: 83,988Triangles: 159,941Minigun Vertices: 29,232 Edges: 57,507 Poly: 28,431 Triangles: 55,385Dune Hopper Vertices: 51,985 Edges: 100,672 Poly: 49,140 Triangles: 92,816Ammunition, Turbo Vertices: 3,632 Edges: 7,363 Poly: 3,739 Triangles: 6,756Textures Dune hopper: interior: 2k, Albedo, Metallic, Roughness, Normal Dune hopper: Outhdoor: 2k, Albedo, Metallic, Roughness, Normal Wheels: 1k, Albedo, Roughness, Normal Ammunitons: 2k, Albedo, Metallic, Roughness, NormalMinigun: 2k, Albedo, Metallic, Roughness, Total 18 texturesNumber of textures:18Texture dimensions:2k,1kPolygon count:83,988Number of meshes/prefabs:10Rigging: NoAnimation:NoUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps: PBR