Battle pass system for your games. Easily implement any battle pass system into your project! Fully customizable to your specific needs, season logic, reward tiers, extra rewards and more!Contains complete logic for a battle pass system.Drag and drop design to quickly implement a battle pass into your game.- Easily customize the battle pass in the inspector- Free and Premium battle pass versions- Season Time Logic using a public API or your own to prevent tampering. Set up your season for each battle pass instance- Set Reward Tiers as many as you want free and premium- Buy Tiers option (example with gems)- Extra Rewards option feature after battle pass is complete so players can keep unlocking rewards.- Currency system for rewarding included but can be replaced- Easy to customize Tiers, can make some tiers no rewards, double rewards, etc. Doesn't have to follow standard linear battle pass and can use for other reward systems.- Timed Xp Boosters includes time xp boosters feature to allow rewarding with xp booster tokens for a set duration. Easy to set up any Xp Booster token you'd like, 30 mins, 1 hour, etc. The time stacks if multiple are activated at the same time.- Paginated Tiers battle pass automatically jumps to the currently unlocked tier- UI easy to replace and already adjusted to different aspect ratios- Landscape and portrait prefabs- Easy to understand modular code and commentedUses Text Mesh ProAny questions or help reach out through support email or Join the Discord! :)