Fantasy RPG Game Sound contains 933 SoundsFantasy RPG Game Sound contains 933 SoundsThis sound library is perfect for voicing your Fantasy RPG game, it contains the sounds of the ambience, magic, weapons, etc.,almost everything you need for voicing your project."All Sounds Royalty Free"Fantasy RPG Game Sound Full Sound ListContentAmbience - 104 SoundsBlood Guts Bones - 30 SoundsClothes - 140 SoundsCrafting - 32 SoundsDoors - 59 SoundsFootsteps - 173 SoundsInventory - 18 SoundsItems - 100 SoundsMagic - 158 SoundsWeapons - 119 SoundsAudio file types: WavSample rate: 96 kHzBit depth: 24 BitLoopable: SomeAdditional: Stereo and Mono