14 melodic and mysterious music tracks, divided into 47 different loops, variations, and short cues.Forest Adventure Music is a collection of 14 melodic and mysterious compositions, divided into 47 different loops, variations, and short cues, perfect for any game with a forest setting, or any game that needs an adventurous soundtrack.What's insideForest Adventure Music is split into 3 different categories, including:AdventurousSix melodic and epic tracks, perfect for general exploring.Cascade - Full, Loop, Short CueCelestial Stars - Full, Loops (3)Hidden Treasure - Full, LoopShroud - Full, LoopStranger in a Strange Land - Full, Loop, Short Cues (2)Unmarked - Full, Loop, Minimal Full, Minimal Loop, Short CueAmbientSix calm but mysterious soundscapes, for a more subtle background.Ancient Ruins - Full, Minimal FullLabyrinth - Full, Minimal FullNight by the Fire - Full, Minimal FullStep Lightly - Full LoopableThe Healer - FullThe Monastery - Full, Short Cues (4)CombatTwo energetic tracks for battles.Duel - Full Loopable, Loops (4), Stingers (2)The Hunt - Full Loopable, Loops (4), StingerTrack TypesFull - Full tracks have a natural start and ending, designed to be played once, either in isolation or in a playlist of multiple tracks.Loop - Loops are designed to be played multiple times and repeat seamlessly.Minimal Full/Loop - Minimal tracks are more subtle, either without percussion, or without the main melodic part.Full Loopable - Full loopable tracks can be used either as full tracks or loops. Loopable tracks have a natural end as part of the musical structure, allowing them to be used as full tracks or loops.Short Cue - Short cues are short musical phrases or sound effects that can be used in a variety of different ways, such as introducing an area, transitions, achievements, beginnings or ends of battles, etc.Custom Music WorkIf you are looking for original music for your project, feel free to contact me with the link below.Hire Me HereAudio file types: WavSample rate: 44.1 kHzBit depth: 24-BitLoopable: YesAdditional: Stereo