Realistic chest with treasure inside ! pure gold coins !Separate cover and handles as well as paddlock, Treasure build with two layers, for a better experience. Easy to arrange if you need to limit polycount,. Gold coin is also available as a separate mode with its own texture!polycountempty chest with padlock only - 3904 polyschest with trasure - 8641 polyscoin - 48 polysmaterials4 x PBR's materials:goldCoingoldGroupmetalwoodPadlocktextures4 x PBR's 2048x2048 px. sets:BaseMapMaskMapNormalsub meshesbasecovercover lockhandlespadlockpadlock lockcoincoins groupcoin planeeach element separated with correct pivot,easy to rearrangeprefabspadlockOpenpadlockClosedcointrasure chesttrasure chest emptytrasure chcest closed