RPG Maker Unite (Sign-Up Now to Receive Early-Bird Bonus Asset at Launch!)
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(Planned Release Date: TBD) Using the Unity Engine, RPG Maker Unite is here to provide a brand new experience for users old and new! Creating the RPG of your dreams has never been easier!(Planned Release Date: TBD)Sign-Up now to become eligible to receive Early-Bird Bonus at launch!(*Sign-Up alone is free and there is no purchase obligation)Create RPGs without coding!With RPG Maker series' powerful command system and editable parameters, users will be able to rapidly create systems without any sort of coding knowledge!Beautiful resources to make compelling games!Streamline your game development process further with our library of assets! From audio, characters, enemies, world biomes, and more, you can create a game immediately!An enhanced Map Editor!Want to improve your maps further than before? RPG Maker Unite will also feature support for pre-rendered backgrounds and large map objects. Elevate your game's presentation with our new tools!Featuring an established and versatile Database System!RPG Maker Unite, like its predecessors, will also provide a premade database that is necessary to create an RPG! It will include Character stats and classes, items, abilities, monsters and so much more! You can customize and add your entries to stand out!What is the “RPG Maker” Series?The Maker series is game development software that dates as far back to the 1990s. We released multiple engines fitting different developer needs such as RPGs, Visual Novels, Action Games, and so on. While the past Maker titles were standalone software, we believe that with Unity's capabilities and our 30 years of experience in making visually forward engines, we can provide an experience that makes the game development process so much easier!Create RPG Games Without Coding!Through combining preset commands and variables, users can create all types of events commonly found in RPGs without writing a single line of code.First RPG Maker in the Series to Natively SupportFull HD Resolution!With FHD support, map details such as the colour gradation of stein glasses are now much more pronounced than before. Battle graphics now also have detailed expressions more noticeable to players.The New “Outline Editor” and “Switch Lines” to Provide Top-Down Project Visualization to Help Project ManagementThe new “Outline Editor” and its cousin “Switch Lines” are assistive-tools that provide a top-down visualization of the connection between major story locations and events for better project management.New Feature: Large Parts Placement like a Sandbox GameIn addition to traditional tilesets, users now have the option to place Large Parts like houses, trees, and castles directly and quickly onto maps.New Feature “Auto-Guide” to Compute Suggested Stats for Easier Balance TuningBy entering basic parameters such as Maximum Level, Expected Clear Leve, Max EXP, and Max HP, the system can auto-calculate suggested stats for enemy HP, ATK, as well as equipment stats at the click of a button.Greatly Enhanced Character Animation - Now with Variable FramesRPG Maker Unite no longer has a minimum or maximum number of allowed frames for character animation, given a 1024 x 1024 picture limit. Users are free to set custom animation patterns and frames.Create Native Smartphone Builds EasilyBorrowing Unity Editor’s Build features, the process for making smartphone builds is much easier and smoother in RPG Maker Unite.A Wealthy Stash of Default Digital Assets for Game CreationRPG Maker Unite contains a great selection of default assets such as audio, characters, enemies, world biomes, and more to help users create games immediately.Robust and Versatile Pre-Built DatabaseRPG Maker Unite also comes with a pre-made database necessary for creating an RPG, including character stats, classes, items, abilities, monsters etc.. These can be customized at will by the user.Highly Customizable Through C#RPG Maker Unite features two ways for users to modify and expand its functionalities. One is through “Addon”, which are scripts that do not modify the engine’s source code and can be turned on and off through the built-in Addon Manager. The other is to modify the source code directly using the Unity Editor. Users can choose which method they want depending on purpose and programming knowledge level.
Unity上で動く、シリーズの変革を目指すRPG Maker(RPGツクール)の最新作!RPG Maker UniteはUnity上で動作する、全く新しいRPG Makerです!演出面の強化が刷新されただけでなく、より便利で効率的に制作するための機能も満載!
(発売日:2023年4月27日 09:00 日本時間)
事前登録フォームにご登録頂いた方が、日本時間5月11日23:59までにRPG Maker Unite本体をご購入いただいた場合、早期購入特典『モブキャラセット』の無料DLリンクを後日ご案内します。リンクのご案内は、5月12日~19日を予定しております。
ご利用中のUnity IDメールアドレスが事前登録フォームにて登録したメールアドレスと一致する必要があるため、ご注意ください。
1990年より開発が続けられている、ゲームコンストラクションツールのシリーズです。最初に作られたRPG Maker(RPGツクール)をはじめとして、ノベル、格闘、アクション等様々なコンストラクションツールを世に出してきました。
==== 詳細 ====
これまでのMaker(ツクール)シリーズは独自のスタンドアロン型のアプリとして開発されていますが、今作の『RPG Maker Unite』は、Unity上で動作する全く新しいRPG Maker(ツクール)です。30年培われてきた、Maker(ツクール)シリーズのゲーム制作ノウハウと強力なゲームエンジンであるUnityとのフュージョンをお楽しみください。
==== 技術的な詳細 ====
RPG Makerシリーズ初のフルHD解像度へのネイティブ対応!
『RPG Maker Unite』では画像最大サイズ (1024 x 1024)内にさえ収まれば、従来のようなキャラクターパターン数の制限はありません。ユーザーがコマ数や演出パターンを自由に設定することが可能です。
スマートフォンへのビルドが、RPG Makerシリーズ史上最も簡単に!