Truffle is the most comprehensive smart contract development framework for Ethereum, with 4.8 million downloads.Truffle is your trusted partner for in-game smart contract integration.Truffle manages your contract artifacts, so you don't have to, including support for custom deployments, library linking, and complex Ethereum applications.🎯Ganache: Create a local test network on which to deploy. This local network is faster and more developer-friendly than a live testnet because of features like instant mining, account impersonation, and time manipulation.🎯Debugger: Write automated tests for your contracts in JavaScript and Solidity, and develop your contracts quickly. Test and debug smart contracts for early detection and a detailed understanding of those errors.When building an NFT feature in your game, Truffle can be used to:👾Write a smart contract to enable NFT renting for your gamers: easily import a base NFT contract from OpenZeppelin, customize a few variables, and deploy your own contract!👾Integrate existing NFT marketplaces into your game with mainnet forking: Ganache can act as a live network with forking, so the transactions and states from that network work seamlessly and without using real ETH.Highlights:🎮Gamers can rent a specific land plot of in-game assets🎮Gamers can sell their earned or customized assets in any number of existing NFT marketplacesUseful Links:🚀 Check out all our tutorials here🚀 Specific Truffle Tutorial for Unity: Building a Tic Tac Toe Game with Truffle and Unity🚀 We are launching Sidequest: an Early Adopter Program to guide gaming developers in their web3 journey; this program will include specific workshops, Game Jam in 3 time zones, and grants distribution. Register now here. The application window will end on March 31st.🚀 Finally, join us on GithubLink to our terms and conditions