Take and organize multiple screenshots with desired resolutions in Unity with Easy Screenshots. User-friendly and hassle-free.Are you tired of manually taking screenshots of your Unity game for promotional materials, app store listings, or bug reports? Say hello to Easy Screenshots, the Unity asset store package that simplifies the process of taking and organizing multiple screenshots with desired resolutions.With Easy Screenshots, you can register your desired resolutions and select the App Store (iOS), Google Play (Android), or both for the setup. You can then take multiple screenshots with just a click of a button. The package will create a progress bar for you to follow and save all screenshots in a Screenshots folder in your main project directory. Each resolution will have its own folder, and each screenshot will be named with a unique ID to avoid overwriting.You can access Easy Screenshots through the Unity main menu, and even open the Screenshots folder directly from the package menu. The Easy Screenshots package is user-friendly and requires minimal setup, making it perfect for game developers, designers, or anyone who needs to take multiple screenshots in Unity.Purchase Easy Screenshots today from the Unity asset store, and enjoy a hassle-free way of taking and organizing your screenshots. Captures high-quality screenshots of your Unity game or application.Allows you to capture single or multiple screenshots at once, with customizable resolutions.Automatically saves screenshots in a designated folder, organized by resolution.Supports multiple platforms, including iOS and Android.Compatible with the Unity Editor for easy integration into your development workflow.Easy-to-use menu items accessible from the Unity Editor's Tools menu.Improved stability and performance, with bug fixes and optimizations included in the latest update.Saves time by automating the screenshot process, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your project.Enhances the user experience by providing clear and detailed screenshots for marketing materials or app store listings.Works with safe area scripts.