25 stylized Clouds and 9 Skies.
Simplicity with good Performance.25 stylized Cloud Textures (4k) with unique simple 3D Meshes and9 stylized simple Skyboxes - 6 sides Skyboxes versions and 360 degrees - rectangular panoramas with 3D Mesh spheres versions.Designed for stylized, cartoon, anime etc. projects and First Person Perspective, Side scrolling, Top down etc. camera views.All components have been created so as to achieve the best visual quality while maintaining simplicity for optimal performance when they are used in modern computers games, mobile devices games, virtual reality and other projects.1) CloudsClouds (Textures on simple unique 3D Meshes): 2515 Side Clouds (In addition, 1 ring as a 3D Mesh with some of these clouds.)7 Top Clouds3 Horizon Clouds (In addition, 1 horizon ring as a 3D Mesh with all these clouds.)Textures: 23
23 Base Color Textures (Sprites) (resolution: 4096x4096, 4096x2048, 1x 8192x4096 pixels)2) SkiesSkies (Skyboxes and Skyspheres): 9Rectangular version (equirectangular) - texture resolution: 8192 x 4096 pixels, 16 bit (1 Texture per sky). Material = Skybox/PanoramicSkybox version (6 sides) - textures resolution: 2048 x 2048 pixels, 16 bit (each box side). Material = Mobile/Skybox and Skybox/6 Sided3) The Sun and the Moon (very simple): 24) AdditionalDemo Scenes: 4Assets_01Scene_Day_01Scene_Day_02Scene_Scroller_01Boat (simple draft model): 1Dear customer. If you give me a positive rating or review, it will make me happy and motivate me to update more often and create more similar packages.