Added GUI Animated scene. Check out the video presentation.
This package includes:
Composer UI
Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/143836
QS Mega GUI - Wood
Link: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/33947
For specialized service, please send email: support@quadrantestudio.com along with the number of purchase (invoice).
Specialized service in production of 2D GUI.
It includes 16 hours of work on production/customization of the following:
- Icons;
- Buttons;
- Animations;
- Scripts;
- Integration to social networks, like Facebook, Twitter and others;
- Integration to monetization systems, such as Admob, UnityADS and others;
- Integration to analytical services.
Serviço especializado em produção de GUI 2D.
Este pacote inclui 16 horas para produção/personalização de:
- Ícones;
- Botões;
- Animações;
- Scripts;
- Integração as redes sociais, como: Facebook, Twitter e outros;
- Integração aos sistemas de monetização, como: ADMob, UnityADS e outros;
- Integração aos serviços analíticos.