An enormous asset pack full of Buildings, Props, Ships, to create a Fantasy/Roman themed game/environment with large and beautiful cities, castles, and battlesTotal of 222 unique Assets:Constructions (x102 large unique Buildings)-Colosseum, Triumphal Arch, Aqueduct, Temple, Pavillion, Senate, Bridge, City Center, the full list is below.-Jaw-dropping Materials: Custom-made Roman, many based on their real-life counterparts meticulously reconstructed for use in 3D.📜 PLUGIN 📜In order to optimize and use options , this asset is supplied with a plugin for creating prefabs from .vox files, you can choose the details of objects yourself, the number of LOD levels, and more, there will be instructions in the interior🔥🔥Now you can customize the models for yourself, and it's very easy to change them🔥🔥--------------------------------------------------It looks great with - The best voxel collections⚡ 3D Voxel Models Collection - Ships⚡ 3D Oriental Buildings Voxel Pack⚡ 3D Voxel Model Collection - Trees--------------------------------------------------Excellent Unity assets ready for your game map or personal project !!!All assets have LOD's where appropriate.To ensure the best performance the models with a high polycount comes with a LOD component, the number of levels varies from 1 to 4, depending on the object.All the .vox files are included, this means you can import them to your 3D software recommended (MagicaVoxel) and make modifications and adjustments if necessary.222 unique and stylized prefabs!With this package you can build any structure you want.- 426 Total models;- 222 Prafabs;- 1 Demo Scence;- 12 Textures (small size);- Post Processing Profile.Main Item List:Prefabs: prefab x22 for buildings and ships.Resource: Textures, materials for all the structures.Read more in Technical detailsTechnical detailsOUR PACK INCLUDES:-426 Total models;Large structures x102{ building inspired temple building acropolis of apollo building agora of alexandria building arch of constantine building artemis building basilica of maxentius and consantine building basilica pauli aemilia building bath house of decius building bathhouse building baths of trajan building byzantine alexandria church building capitolium of constantinople building ceasarium building circus maximus building classical gate building colosseum building concept art temple building forum novum leptis magna building forum of constantine building gladiator arena building grand temple of apollo building grand temple building hagia sophia w agustaion building hagiasophia building hanging gardens building heraion of samos building hippodrome of alexandria building hippodrome of constantinople building lageion of alexandria building lateran basilica building library of celsus building library of hadrian building lighthouse of alexandria building mausoleum of hadrian building million of constantinople building mineral baths building mini circus maximus building muasoleum of romulus building myrelaion of constantinople building nymphaeum 1 building nymphaeum 2 building nymphaeum of amman building nymphanium dieta apollinis building odeon of perikles building palace of antiochos building parthenon 1 building parthenon 2 building parthenon 3 building parthenon 4 building parthenon 5 building parthenon building persian monument building pharos of alexandria building porticus of livia building roman baths of constantine building roman baths of diocletian building roman fountain building roman temple of hadrian building sancturary of poseidon building sarapeion of alexandria 2 building sarapeion of alexandria building senate house building septizodium2 building septizodium building serapeion of karanis building statue column temple building stoa of poseidon building sundial of arisnoe building tabularium temples building temple 3 building temple at delphi building temple of aphrodite building temple of apollo building temple of artemis at ephesus building temple of asklepeios building temple of bel palmyra building temple of divus julius building temple of hephaistos building temple of hera building temple of jupiter capitolinus building temple of jupiter contest entry building temple of luxorthebes building temple of mars building temple of minerva medici 1 building temple of minerva medici 2 building temple of poseidon2 building temple of poseidon building temple of the divine building temple of the scarab building temple of the vestigial virgins building temple of venus and roma building temple of zeus 3 building temple of zeus agrigento building temple of zeus new building temple of zeusolympia building temple of zeus building temple building theater of pompey}Ships x84{ Navy Galea Navy Dromon Navy Chelandion Varangian Snekkar Imperial Galea Imperial Dromon Imperial Chelandion Imperator Chelandion-Black Imperator Chelandion-Red Norse Snekkar Persian Jalbut 1 Persian Jalbut 2 Trade Nava Trade Cog 1 Trade Cog 2 Trade Cog 3 Crusader Nava 1 Crusader Nava 2 Frankish Nava Roman Trade Nava Roman Trade Navis Roman Navis Fish Transport Roman Chelandion Transport Geonese Trade Nava Geonese Dromae Geonese Galley Ottoman Droman Venetian Galley Roman Monoreme Liburnian Roman Liburnain Roman quinquerme Roman Hexreme Roman Seige Sambuca Tower Roman Seige Sambuca Ramp Roman Dromon 10th century Roman Navis Actuaria Roman Navis Oneraria Plain Roman Navis Oneraria Medium Roman Navis Oneraria Fancy Roman Navis Oneraria Fish Transport Roman Navis Corbita Grain Transport Thracian Trireme Rhodian Trireme Seleucid Empire Trireme inspired Egyptian Trireme inspired Spartan Trireme Thebian Trireme Thebian Quadreme inspired Trireme inspired Quadreme inspired Pentereme Macedonian Trireme Macedonian Penter Macedonian Hexreme Macedonian Septireme Macedonian Octeres Macedonian Nonareme Macedonian Decareme Isthmia Flagship of Macedon Ptolomaic Scout Quadreme Ptolomaic Penter Ptolomaic Hexreme Ptolomaic Septireme Ptolomaic Octares Ptolomaic Nonareme Syracusia/Alexandria -Cruse ship - Gifted Ptolomaic Decareme Ptolomaic Hendecreme Ptolomaic Dodareme Leontophoros- Gifted Thalamegos- Pharoah Barge/Palace Ptolomaic Eikoseres Ptolomaic Royal Eikoseres Ptolomaic Tricontereme/30 Tsserakonteres V2 Venetian Doge Beucentor 1729 Plain 1 Sail Trireme Plain Trireme Plain Quadreme Plain Penter Plain Hexreme Plain Septireme Plain Nonoreme}House and other {40 objects}- 1 Demo Scence;- Texture Sizes;{from Texture dimensions (128x128);to Texture dimensions (1024x1024);}Polygon count of [Models]Minimum polygon count: 1kMaximum polygon count: 32766kNumber of meshes: 1-426 //How much will you createRigging: NoLOD: YesAnimation count: NoUV mapping: NoTypes of texture map: DefaultLOD1 - Most of the objects are low poly , but a handful of them have a higher polycount (up to 32766k triangles).LOD2 - On average 50% less geometry than LOD1.