High-quality vintage furniture collection which includes chairs, beds, archaeological props, sofa, light fixtures, bathroom fixtures and many more.92 unique interior props. PBR materials, high-quality game-ready models. Most of the textures are 2K and above.** This asset requires the Unity High Definition Render Pipeline(HDRP) package.** Manor Scene is not included in our asset.To know more about the demo made with these assets, Visit Here.Assets (x100)Asset types-Archeological propsVictorian DeskBedBookshelfChairCouchDoorDecorative objectsClockChandelierTableRugLockerLampWindowCabinetSofaToysBathroom PropsArt PropsLibrary PropsIncluded 1 Demo SceneOne showcase scene with the entire collection of prefabs (contains a simple fly-through camera)PBR Textures100 high quality 2048 x 2048 PBR texturesPolycount3 Beds - 6000*3 = 18000 polys6 Tables - 1600*6 = 9600 polys6 Chairs - 4000*6 = 24000 polys4 Cabinets - 3500*4 = 14000 polysKitchen Fixtures - 4000*4 = 1600 polysPaintings - 600*4 = 2400 polysVase - 500*5 = 2500 polysDrawing equipments - 500*5 = 2500 polysDoors and Windows - 200*5 = 1000 polysCurtain - 4000*1 = 4000 polysBooks - 400*7 = 2800 polysLight fixtures - 4000*4 = 16000Texture Sizes - 512px x 512px , 1024px x 1024px