Rigged, animated and textured 3D model with 39 basic animations(FBX).Animations:A-pose (base mesh)AgonyBite, Neck biteCrawlDead x2Dead armed x2EquippedHit reaction x2Hit reaction armedIdle x4Kick x2Melee attack 360 High/LowMelee ComboMelee attack DownwardMelee attack HorizontalMelee Run Jump AttackPunch x2RunScreamStand Up x2Idle armed x2StumblingTransition x2WalkWalk armed fwd/backAnimations presented for armed & unarmed character.Can be used for slasher, fantasy, mmorg, rpg projects. Model rigged with metarig that fully compartible with Unity humanoid rig (unitypackage file attached) & UE maneken. Animation examples You can see on Youtube previews. Model pack includes 2048x2048 PBR textures (2 skins: white(Templar knight), black(Hospitaller)). Model is presented by separate subtools(axe, shield, helmet, etc).Texture dimensions: 2048x2048Polygon count of : 59429Rigging: YesAnimation count: 39UV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps: PBR