7000+ high-quality Pixel art icons made to fill any need for your fantasy gameINTRODUCTION:A gigantic asset of thousands of icons (around 7100+ icons for now), two years of work together in a single pack, hope you enjoy it!This asset is a combination of all my icon sets, with many reworks, recolors, remakers, and even new stuff.THEMES COVERED:Conditions, States, SkillsAttributes/StatsBasic MenuGeneral Items and ToolsGems and JewelsCrafting MaterialsMonster Hunting and DropsFood, Crops, and BeveragesAlchemy MaterialsMagic PotionsWeaponsShieldsArmor and ClothingAccessoriesMasksAnd more!1- All sprites come in 16x16. with a dark outline. Raven Fantasy Style.2- Classic 16x16 Pixel art style, can match most RPGs.3- 16 square grid ready to use a sprite sheet.4- Not only in a "sprite sheet" but all images will come too in separate png files.5- This asset can be modified to match any of your needs.6- Attribution is not necessary but welcome. And if you use it in any project will be happy to have a link or (and) a copy :)