Feedback and Bug Form with Screenshots and Drawing Feature
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You can easily add Feedback and Bug Reporting form into your games by only drag and drop a single prefab on your scene. Device specifications, 3 screenshots and console logs will be included.You can easily add Feedback and Bug Reporting form into your games by only drag and drop a single prefab on your scene and activate Unity official free-to-use “Cloud Diagnostics \ User Reporting” feature. All device details and specifications, 3 screenshots, console logs will be sent as an extra information.YOU CAN HIDE THE BUTTON ON TOP RIGHT SIDE AND CALL THE FORM WITH YOUR OWN UI OR INPUT IF YOU WANT.To improve their game and keep its review point high on the Stores, developers should definitely put a form into their game somewhere for players.So, players can;Report performance issues (Good for developers so they can have chance to know how their games are running on different devices).Give Feedback (It is very important to listen the players’ thoughts and ideas about the game)Express Appreciation (It is always good for motivation of developers)Report Bugs and Issues (Players can report their issues and bugs they facied instantly).The package has got all the features you need for reporting bugs, issues, feedbacks and performance issues. You can see all the features listed below:Take and Attach Multiple (up to 3) Instant ScreenshotsCustomize the Screenshots by Drawing and Painting featureReport all crashes and diagnostics in Background automaticallyEasy to Integrate with Scenes. Just drag and drop the prefabNo Database or Hosting need. Works with Free Unity Cloud DiagnosticsLog and view all Hardware specifications of the reporter players.Unity has free service called Cloud Diagnostics\User Reporting. The package is using it for storing and reporting the bugs and feedbacks.You can easily download the official package and import it into your project. After linking the game with a Unity project on the panel, it is ready to use.No Database need! No Firebase integration need! No Server costs and configurations!Just create a project on Unity.com and link it with your game by using Project Settings\Services\Cloud Diagnostics. That’s easy.