Empower your IDE. Code smarter, not harder.Website | Discord | ForumCode Assist improves your coding experience with Visual Studio and VS Code by adding more features for Unity projects. Coding Unity scripts becomes easier and more efficient and with fewer bugs.Connect your game editor and IDE, let Unity and Visual Studio/VS Code share data between each other. Enrich your coding experience with the new data available.Features:- Code Completion: More content for code completion (aka IntelliSense) which is specialized for common Unity APIs and your own projects.- Inline Visuals: Displays visual information about your scene data and assets.- Code Analyzers: Additional analyzers on top of the default ones (Microsoft.Unity.Analyzers), which are focused on memory and CPU utilization.- Code Transformers: Apply common design patterns to your code base instantly. This feature is available only in Visual Studio, not available in VS Code, for now.- Generative AI: Use OpenAI ChatGPT or Google Gemini to complete or analyze your code. This feature is available only in Visual Studio, not available in VS Code, for now.Requirements: Visual Studio 2022 or VS Code (1.75+) is required. It is not compatible with Visual Studio for Mac, Rider or any other IDE or text editor.Visit website for more details and feedback.Generative AI Notice:Generative AI is one of the features of Code Assist. If you have any ethical or legal concerns, you can use Code Assist without this feature by disabling generative AI in the options.Generative AI is working only in Visual Studio (for now). It does not work in VS Code.Generative AI uses OpenAI ChatGPT or Google Gemini as its backend language model. You need an OpenAI or Goggle account and provide it's API key to this asset.https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keyshttps://ai.google.dev/gemini-api/docs/api-keyThis asset has one-time purchase fee, but you may need to pay extra for OpenAI or Google services to use Generative AI feature.https://openai.com/pricinghttps://ai.google.dev/pricingThird Party Notices:This asset uses roslyn-linq-rewrite, ConstVisualizer, InlineColorPicker, Newtonsoft.Json, TinyJson,Roslyn, YamlDotNet, CommandLineParser, DotnetSDKforOpenAIChatGPT, UnityCommandLineTools, microscope, MQTTnet, logging, MQTT.js, winston, winston-vscode, js-sha256, find-process, unitypackage under MIT and EditorCoroutines under Unity Companion license; see "Third Party Notices.md" file in the package or website for details.