Everything you need to have a beautiful and modern kitchen in your project.
A complete kitchen, textured and configured ready to give more life and beauty to your environment.A BEAUTIFUL COMPLETE KITCHEN!With materials, textures and lighting included.An environment previously assembled to be beautiful and add value to any project that is added.MAKE IT YOUR OWN OR USE A READY KITCHEN!The objects are separated, textured and well finished in all angles so you can assemble your kitchen the way you want.However, if you want to save work, the archive has a fully complete kitchen as in the photos, ready to be added to your project.IMPORTANT!Before importing the package, make sure to change the colorspace from ''Gamma'' to ''Linear''.Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Color Space > LinearAlso make sure to install the ''Post Processing'' package to your project.Window > Package Manager > Search for Post Processing (Unity Registry).These steps are not mandatory, but ensure that the look will be as presented in the photos and videos.LIST OF ALL OBJECTS INCLUDED IN THE FILE:AppleBowlDecorative BoxCabinet LightCarpetSkying LightChair (Two Models)Cutting BoardDoorKitchen Cabinet (Four Models)Ornament (Two Models)PearPestle and MortarPicture Frame (3 Types of Texture)Picture Frame 3DRoom (Walls, Ceiling and Floor)SconceSpice JarTable (Two Models)WindowWood WallTextures Included: YesMaterials: YesLighting: YesFile Type: Folder with Textures and .Blend FileLIST OF ALL OBJECTS INCLUDED IN THE FILE:appleBowldecorative boxCabinet Lightcarpetskying lightChair (Two models)cutting boarddoorKitchen Cabinet (Four Models)Ornament (Two models)pearpestle and mortarPicture Frame (3 Types of Texture)Picture Frame 3DRoom (Walls, ceiling and floor)sconcespice jarTable (Two Models)Windowwood wallTextures Included: YesMaterials: Yeslighting: yesFile Type: Folder with Textures and .Blend FileVertices: 779,868 (All Objects)Triangles: 1,558,059(All Objects)