This package will let you authorize and use Firebase Realtime Database features with Realtime Lobby System.This Lobby system have features of:Having ModeratorsRoom ListingCreating RoomJoining RoomBasic User ProfileKicking UsersBaning UsersRoom AuthorizationMaximum User Number SelectionYou can also easliy with simplified methods:Get Data From Firebase Realtime DatabaseSave Data To Firebase Realtime DatabaseAdd/Remove Listeners*To have secure database this package also includes Firebase Authorization Features with Anounymous or Email/Pass LoginRequirements:This package requires Firebase SDKs (DotNet4), which can be found from:https://firebase.google.com/docs/unity/setupOnly importing:FirebaseAuth.unitypackageFirebaseDatabase.unitypackagewill be enough to use this package.Setup is included in the package, also every method and field has a basic summary what it does. Documentation Website:https://forcencode.com/ForceFirebaseLobby