Easily add cel-shaded style to your Unity projects with the Easy Toon Shader. Customizable and quick to use with plenty of features and presets. Transform your projects in no time!✨OverviewWith a range of customization options and presets to experiment with, you'll be able to quickly and easily create the look and feel you want.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, the Easy Toon Shader is an essential tool for adding stylized shading to your projects.⚡ Shader FeaturesCel shading with 3 lighting styles to choose from: step, posterize, and diffuse ramp.Gooch: Fully control the colors of bright and dark areas of your object with the gradient editor.Custom shadowing: Control the colors and intensity of shadows; disable and enable shadows.Specular Lights: Adjust the color, sizes, and intensities of specular lights; control gloss with a texture.Rim lighting: flexible rim lighting option based on the fresnel effectOutline: based on the 3 outline modes with distance-based scalingAdditional lights: fully supports spot and point lights.Environment lighting, indirect lighting, and reflections support.Supports: normal maps, emission maps, occlusion mapping.For more information on the features and functionality of the Easy Toon Shader, be sure to check out the documentation.Looking for even more advanced options? Check out the Toon Pro: Ultimate Stylized Shading, an upgraded version of the Easy Toon Shader with additional features.🧰 Included editor tools to enhance your workflow:SmoothNormalsBaker, which bakes smoothed normals for better-looking outlines on flat-shaded meshes.Ramp Creator, a fast and flexible tool for creating 1D ramps using Unity's gradient editor. Custom Inspector, an easy-to-use material editor designed with artists in mind.🌐 WebGL Demo✅ Works only with URP and Built-in✅ XR support: VR and AR.✅ Supports Android and IOS.📞 If you have any questions, thoughts, or feedback: izzynab.publisher@gmail.com