This asset was inspired by Stickies application and allows you to attach multiple colorful text notes to files/folders in Project View. Ever wanted to add note about certain file/folder for your teammates to see or add memo to texture/script/prefab/any file?How it works? (video).
Read the docs before purchasing!IMPORTANT!!! Hierarchy support is experimental and somewhat limited when using prefabs (can only attach to root of prefab in scene) due to Unity Editor API limitations.Features:- Add a colorful note with useful information to any file/folder in Project/Hieararchy view.- Customizing note color (lemon, grass, blue, amethyst, rose, clean)- Rich text support.- Data is saved in .asset file so everything is persisted inside your project.- Notes accessible right from project/hierarchy view as well as adding new notes- Preferences to configure font size, offset in project/hierarchy view and more.