Just drop a prefab into your scene and you have a fully working Aircraft to fly. Realistic or Arcade Flight, applied to any 3D Aircraft Model.Aircraft Physics is modeled to be Realistic and Simple to use. You can easily replace the Templates with any 3D Aircraft Model you have and Configure the desired behavior.All the flight physics are calculated by the main script and the resulting forces are applied to a Single Rigidbody, no need to worry about multiple parts interaction and configuration.The desired behavior can be configured within the "General Flight Settings" and be furthermore customized with the "Advanced Settings", achieving the physics of a small civilian-propelled aircraft, fighter jet, cargo/airliner, acrobat, or even Arcade Style for non-simulation games.You can make small changes based on any of the PreFabs or Play Engineer by configuring your own aircraft from scratch (bear in mind that achieving a well-balanced aircraft from scratch is a long iteration process because multiple variables can interact and be affected at the same time, so for this reason, many Examples PreFabs are included to be used as a base for smaller modifications).ToolTips are available for all variables!Features:Stall and Stall SpeedAngle of AttackAltitude effects on Drag and ManeuverabilityThrust to Weight RatioMax Speed and AltitudeRudder/Fin ForcesAdjustable Center of GravityLanding Gear - Suspension, Brakes, Friction, and AnimationMoveable Surface Controls AnimationMultiple FlapsAir BrakesFuel and Variable ConsumptionVariable Damage: Touch, Hit, Damage, and Explosion/DestructionTurbulence and WindSimple HUD with essential dataSounds and Written Messages on HUDConfigurable First and Third Person CamerasConfigurable Inputs for Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, and Mobile.Mobile Input GUI includedIncludes PreFabs (both Realistic and Arcade versions) for:Civilian Propelled AircraftDelta Fighter JetGeneric Template Aircraft.Playable with Keyboard, Keyboard + Mouse, Joystick, and Mobile.Play the DemoScene on the web here: https://maloke.itch.io/aircraft-physics* Notice: The DemoScene uses some Third-Party assets in Public-Domain, Free for Commercial use with no Attribution required.Supports all platforms and Render Pipelines offered by Unity.Inspector ToolTips available for all variables and Documentation included.Replace with any 3D Aircraft Model.Full SourceCode.