EasyConfiguration is a tool that automatically generates configuration interface through reflection. It only needs a small amount of code and configuration to use.1. The AConfiguration base class provides a simple configuration and stores the data as Json bytes.2. Support data add, modify, delete, query, search.3. Supported Data types Primitive Types int, long, float, double, string, bool, Vecter2, Verter2Int, Vector3, Vector3Int, Vector4, Rect, Color, Texture2D, UnityEngine.Object, MonoBehaviour, Gradient, AnimationCurve,Other types include List, Array, Dictionary4. Settable field properties: enable, label, tip, isNull, readonly, range, groupKey, selecter, textArea5. Custom Visualelement, more convenient to use, more beautiful. Such as ButtonIcon, ButtonLabel, Dialog, FoldoutPro, SearchField, Selecter, SliderPro and new ToolTip.6. Automatically match system Theme.7. Supported languages include English and Chinese.8. Supports unity 2020 and aboveVisualElement, Reflection, Newtonsoft.Json