Flexible and fast Object Pooling solution for small and large projects.Avoid problems with micro-stutter or even a solid freeze during game-play by re-using effects, monsters, dynamic objects, projectiles and more -- object pooling is the approach of pooling needed elements by making sure that object instantiation and destruction (and memory freed via Garbage Collection) is minimized, as it causes read of resources (textures, materials, objects) from disk and the GC of high number of events can block the main CPU thread and causing frame-drops, and existing and recently used elements is recycled.Don't know what elements that is used, how many elements that is used during gameplay or which ones it is that is causing frame-drops?No worries - by piping all usage via the Object Pooling there will be run-time statistics of current and maximum usage, even if only limited pooling is set up.Use the information of this to judge if any assets should be defined as pre-cached at the start of the scene to remove any possibility of stutter mid-play.Full source is included.Support forum: http://www.digitalsoftware.se/community/forum-9.htmlFast and Dynamic Object PoolingNo advanced setup requiredSimple API that can be called from any script