A test scene with a high fidelity and malleable active ragdoll.While almost all users love the feel and the physics, some think the inspector is ugly or some other details of the UX are not to their liking. So be prepared that you may find things in this asset that you do not like.I made this asset long ago, mainly focussing on the feel and physics. For years I did not publish it because I was aware that parts of the UX lacked polish. It just sat on my hard drive. One day I tried it again and thought it was so cool. While there are other active ragdolls out there, they cannot do what this can. It felt a shame to not give others the opportunity to use it, so I said: "frk it, I will just publish it as it was, back when I was playing with it".Some users are disappointed while a fair few consider this to be their best asset. This is what an animator at an AAA studio said "Patrik is the one who will make our game cool".Some videos:www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEkyNrA4JVcsCyTXrY6PFFaK_gKUe9dArMy home page expired so demos are temporarily only available upon email request.The "foot fix" feature is enabled by default but it sometimes should be disabled because it makes the character unstable, particular with animations that lie down or is upside down. Disable it in the inspector. If your character or animation has an incompatible avatar the setup may need tweaking or the animation may not play perfectly out of the box. The "Format C:" button in the pop up is a joke. You will be asked change a file in the ProjectSettings folder. It will work (except sprint) even if you don't but the popup will remind you until you do.I am not giving away the inner secrets here but this is not your average hobbyist ragdoll.The key difference is its human quality of displaying hit reactions and be malleable while still following animations with high fidelity. It is also not locked in place, you can move its position and rotation by pushing it with any physical object. It has predictive foot IK and it is possible to add custom IK without destroying the physical quality of the character. A "rabbit" system enables use with navmesh. It has a realistic friction system where it starts to walk downhill when it is too steep for the available friction. This works automatically because there is a two way animation movement controller wherein the character movement is controlled by the root motion of the animation and at the same time the animation and playback speed is controlled by the characters movement. It sounds like it should not work but when you move the character by dragging or pushing it with physics the character, like by magic, starts to walk in the direction you pushed it. The character is not too strong, it pushes on objects with about a human strength, and there are lots of settings in the inspector. One runtime button to enable walking on the ceiling or the walls. It has a sense of touch, meaning there is a variable available, that tells you the magnitude and direction of all outer forces acting on the character, for you to use in your AI system. The character procedurally tilts as if it were leaning to keep its balance, looks natural without you needing extra animations. It is physically correct but some say it looks like it tilts too much. There is a slider called "Tame leaning" which will tone down the leaning to any level you desire. This asset have nice hit reactions out of the box, at the same time you can work with animations in almost the same way you normally do. Additionally this system can seamlessly suspend the ragdoll when it is not needed, making the character considerably cheaper than permanent active ragdolls. This asset makes people notice you. Have a peek at the manual here: http://www.kavorka-racing.com/download-demos.htmlI had to remove the Mixamo climb animations. You can download them free at Mixamo's home page.