You will have animated 2d character and animated 2d horse.If you are looking for smooth animated 2d character and horse. This package could be. Please don't hesitate contact me.Thank you for visiting and good luckTreasureggame@outlook.comThe Character has 19 different animations and 1 sword, 1 shield, 4 beards, 16 same shape and different color body parts. sword size 52 * 188Shield size 140 * 140Beards Sizes 112 * 112Also the package has a animated 2d horse. Horse has 4 skin, 2 saddle, 1 armor, 1 bridle and 4 animations.For the character and horse, images in 512x512 size and transparent Png format, which were cut with the Sprite Editor, were used.There is only bone structure for the horse's legs.Character and horse has prefab.