Easy to use and powerful tool for creating windows based on Unity's UI with C#! Prototype or create your application faster!ProceduralUI is in active development. Feel free to share your ideas on my mail!Documentation: hereBug found? Github issue: hereContact: jachow.mateusz@gmail.comTwitterRequirementsTextMeshPro packageList of featuresEasy to use and customizable UI window creationMovable and resizable windowsAutomatic window elements layoutAutomatic windows rendering order managementAutomatic scrollbar if not enough spaceBasic elements (label, button etc.)Custom elements (vector2, vector3, multi line input field)Support for new window elementsWell documented and scalable codeDemo scenes includedSnap to gridWIP: VR integrationWIP: Realtime windows generation (elements pooling)PerformanceSince it's based on Unity's UI, performance is just the sameLimitationsFor now all windows should be generated in OnAwake function. Currently real-time generation is not supported (may cause some spikes)Package is meant to be used just for windows creation