WeatherClock2D has been designed to allow the users for manage the time and weather of its 2D game with a single gameObject and script. Save your development time by using WeatherClock2D.Save your development time by using WeatherClock2D and provide your game with environmental behavior. With WeatherClock2D you can define the time and weather of your 2D game in a quickly and easy way. The package includes a scene, a set of particle systems and prefabs to try and deploy in your own game the functionalities as well as an in-depth documentation. You can define if the time comes from the system or if the time is simulated. In addition, you can customize the seasons, their duration, their environmental phenomenons together with the possibilities of having these phenomenons. You can modify even the light changes provoked by each phenomenon. The most relevant features of WeatherClock2D are the following: Real time clock and simulated clock. For the last one, you can edit the seconds per minute.WeatherClock2D counts with seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, giving also the possibility of editing the days per month.Possibility to establish the color light for the different periods of the day.Possibility to edit for each season both the start and end months, the particle systems for the attached phenomenons and the probabilities of launching each phenomenon.Possibility to deactivate seasons and define the particle system for the phenomenons and probabilities for no season use case.Possibility to add a phenomenon color for each particle system to fusion the day light with the phenomenon light.Possibility to modify the fusion factor to achieve the desired light.