Fast, light-weight, RTS focused Minimap -- for both new and experienced developers.Quickly add a RTS Minimap to your project, that is both flexible and fast - that both support a non-code approach and more advanced usage by experienced developers.Made as a drop-in solution so there is need for minimal work to get it to work - no need to have the solution designed for it, can be added even late in the process with no issues.Support an unlimited number of custom icons and color-assignments - ability to use custom icons for any unit.Also includes support for drawing the Field of View of the camera frustum on the minimap - as can be seen in many modern RTS games.HDRP and URP is untested, but any developer experienced enough to be using those modes should be able to easily use the package for those.Fast dynamic RTS style MinimapAbility to config an unlimited amount of pre-defined icons and color-schemesAbility to override any configuration using custom icons for any unitsDynamic adding and removing unit tracking using pre-made drag-drop scriptsCamera Field of View display support included from the start