A photorealistic low-poly metal kettle. The package contains a triangulated (game ready) mesh and a non-triangulated mesh version with PBR maps.The materials have by default the already mentioned AutodeskInteractive shader, since it comes with the URP package.Technically speaking, since this is a 3D model, it should work with the rest of the render pipelines (Built-in, HDRP), and Editor versions. However, it was only tested with URP using Unity 2021.A photorealistic low-poly metal kettle. The package contains a triangulated (game ready) mesh, with its respective textures. Modeled, UV unwrapped and rendered in Blender 3.0It works specially well in URP using the AutodeskInteractive shader, which have slots for Roughness and Metalness. For more information on this shader, please refer to: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Shader-Autodesk-Interactive.htmlThe turntable animation was done in real-time inside Unity 2021 using URP.It consist of 5 different parts:1. Body2. Lid3. Handle4. Thumb-support joint4. WhistleYou could apply some physics to every part to make it feel better! Every part has their origin point centered on the right place. Though the lid is a loose part, the interior of the body is not visible.I'm curious to know what projects will use this asset, so if you can, let me know in the comments!Also, please let me know if there's any problem with the model. Thanks for your support!TEXTURESPBR Workflow: Base Color (Albedo), Normal map (OpenGL), Metalness, Roughness (4 maps)Texture size: 2KTexture format: PNGMESHPolygons: 4, 908Vertices: 2, 597Rigged?: NoAnimated?: NoUV mapping?: Yes (Non-overlapping UVs)LOD?: No