Thread - Sync is a quick and easy way for you to sync your Unity independent code and components with the Unity thread! It has a high potential to increase the performance of your solution.No Scriptable Render Pipeline dependencies.The Unity Engine is a powerful piece of software that makes a ton of awesome results possible. As long as you can stay in the Unity Eco System, you'll be fine. But since it is inevitable to have subsystems that run independently of the Unity thread but need to access it, a problem arises here.Some examples of such subsystems are:Thread based systemsNetwork based systemsCAN / LIN / Serial Bus systemsetc.These systems operate at their own speed and thus must be synchronized with the Unity thread. If the systems are not synchronized, the interactions with Unity outside the thread will almost always not be invoked. There are “happy accidents” where the interactions go through, but randomness is mostly not the goal of programming.The components of this asset help synchronize with the Unity thread.SyncWith this component, it is possible to queue actions to be invoked once on the next call of the desired Unity update.The supported updates are:Update()FixedUpdate()LateUpdate()EventSyncWith this component, it is possible to hook onto the desired Unity update with listeners.The supported updates are:Update()FixedUpdate()LateUpdate()ConcludingThis asset is the result of many years of experience with Unity and its use outside of games.SyncEnqueue actions that will be invoked once on the next call of the desired Unity updateEventSyncHook onto the desired Unity update with listenersPlease use this component only if there is no other way and you really need it! It supports writing spaghetti code and cluttering the applicationBenefitsIt is not necessary to reimplement existing code based on the Unity logicBoost in performance as you can save a lot of MonoBehaviours where each brought its own Update, FixedUpdate and LateUpdate implementationAdds a lot of flexibility as you can just write a single wrapper that will sync your code into UnityEach of the components disposes itself OnDestroy()All relevant methods are thread safeBuild-In DontDestroyOnLoad functionalityClear Naming