Compatible with all pipelines. Just change materials to Standard and convert.A 4K PBR renewal of one of my popular packages! The Rockstar Asset Pack!
Included models :
Dominion (LODs - 4835, 3179, 1196)
Explorer (LODs - 3793, 3489, 1293)
Les Paul (LODs - 4734, 3786, 1183)
Telecaster (LODs - 4544, 3634, 1590)
Stratocaster (LODs - 4793, 4074, 1677)
Extremely detailed and hyper-realistic with every screw and bolt. You'll find a few different pickguards, 5 different fret inlay styles, different headstocks, dials and knobs, and a fake brand name free for commercial use. All models are half or less the polys they used to be, and all share one texture map in 4k pbr, png format. Albedo, Normal, AO, Metallic, and Roughness maps. There are 10 different skins for a total of 50 different electric guitars.
Skins :
Cheap Colors
Cheap Raw
Dark Maple
Hard Rock (Green)
Hard Rock (Orange)
Hard Rock (Purple)
Heavy Metal
Sweetie Pie
My old 'Early Work Collections' are far from my standards today, and so I have started re-creating them in professional high-quality pbr. Enjoy!!