The Warped Collection package lets you create a Metroidvania game in a 16-bit pixel-art style. Everything you need is included.Do you like my work? check ouh this links.--------------------------------Over 1000 Sprites made in Crispy Pixel-Art style from the 16-bit era in one collection in the veins of Super Metroid, this is an easy to use out of the package.From Tilesets, sprites, backgrounds, icons and music tracks. The content in this. packcage will let you create a "Metroidvania" game without worryng on the artistic part.--------------------------------INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGEENVIRONMENTSBackgrounds in different layers, sliced tilesets and props.Cave AreaLava AreaSpace Station AreaCHARACTER SPRITESPlayable heroes, Enemies, NPS and a Boss. All of them fully animated4 PlayersExplorerHunterBlonded Space GirlSpace MarinePortraits of the playersOver 20 EnemiesOctopusJumper CrabCrabWormLizzardRobotsSoldiersMontersBlobElectric BunnyExo-eskeleton sintFlying SnakeSpacenautFlying eyeBi-pedaland more....ITEMS and PROPSOver 130 different props like guns, power ups and computer consoles.VFXExplosions, laser beams and enemy deaths feedbacks.over 20 different explosion fx10 different laser beams fully animated3 Different enemy deathsSPACE BACKGROUNDSParallaxed space backgrounds, Planets, stars, and metoerite layers. Useful for space-shooters. 9 Different Backgrounds in many colors. Fully tiled in both axis.MUSIC5 Different Music tracks, in synthwave style with a sci-theme. Looped in wav format ready to use.