Low Poly Tools Pack Hyper-Casual Asset
Make Low Poly and amazing Tools asset pack! This mobile-friendly pack includes lots of different Tools:
1. Knife
2. Drill
3. Axe
4. HandSaw
5. HackSaw
6. Screwdriver
7. Stair
8. Wrench
9. wrench-1
10. Wrench-2
11. Donut-Green
12. Donut-Purple
13. Tools-Box
14. Pliers
15. Pliers-1
16. Pliers-2
17. Knife-2
18. Wrench-1
19. Wrench-2
20. Screwdriver-2
21. Screwdriver-3
22. Paint-Tool
23. Drill-2
24. Axe-2
25. Axe-3
26. Axe-4
27. Pliers-4
Drag the prefabs easily and make awesome food scenes.