This asset solves a design flaw in the engine where it adds support for the missing auto save feature as well as simple version control for scenesOVERVIEWThis asset solves a design flaw in the engine where it adds support for the missing auto save feature as well as simple version control for scenesFEATURESAdjustable save timeEnable/disable the save promptSimple BackupVersion ControlAuto Save Notification and countdown timerEASY TO USEEnable/disable auto save feature with a simple checkboxVERSION CONTROLScene BackupBackup each time before savingLimit how many scenes are backed upCONTROL EVERYTHINGWhatever you need to adjust is there, from save time to debug messagesEnable/disable any feature as you likeORGANIZED VIEWAll the controls are organized in one editor window, easily accessible from:Tools > Editor Auto SaveQUICK START GUIDEEverything is well-written, which makes setting up and tweaking the asset even easier. To get started check the GuideDEPENDENCIESThis asset requires Editor CoroutinesFOLLOW INTENSENATIONDiscord | Reddit | TwitterIncludes 1 ScriptRequires Editor Coroutines Package