FAI is a thoroughly documented, incredibly performant, highly optimized AI system, that includes a powerful flocking system for all types of swarms/flocks with easy-to-use editor windows.Currently works on all render pipelines but the fish animation shader isn't supported on HDRP/URP, however it be added in the coming updatesFAI is the most powerful underwater AI system currently on the Unity Asset Store. It contains not only a system that can be used to simulate a broad underwater ecosystem (salmons, sharks, whales...) but also a powerful and deeply-optimized flocking system that can run +20,000 units at the same time at +100 FPS.DemoDocumentationDiscordVideosContactFor more information please check the "Technical details" section.Models, materials, and animations are from "Underwater life deluxe" asset by Janpec.reFeatures of the AI system:MainAn all-in-one script contains 4 behaviours and many features to control AIs.4 main behaviours (Aggressive, Neutral, Passive, Passive Flee)Flee or keep attacking on low health.Wandering.Attack other entities.Recognize and don't attack or flee from entities of the same type.Forget the enemy once far enough and after a set number of seconds.Damage enemies either from script or animation event.Attack chance.Field Of View and Line of Sight enemy detection.Attack and movement animations blending.Sounds for different AI states.Optimized to only work once visible on a camera.Assign event listeners with no coding required.Field of view visualization in editor.Spawning.NavigationA written-from-zero navigation system for smooth movement.Smooth steering.Obstacle avoidance.Move only when inside water volume.VitalsDamaging.Health.Health regeneration.Resistance.Body decomposition.Supports ragdoll.Play sounds on death.Features of the Flock system:Complex flocking behaviour based on 4 simple behaviours (Align, Separate, Cohere, and Follow).Obstacle Avoidance.Water surface contact avoidance.HealthBody decomposition.Spawning.Optimizations.80% of the processing runs on the GPU (4 main behaviours), while 20% runs on the CPU (Obstacle avoidance) for best performance.A simple shader to procedurally animate the movement of fish.EditorExtremely easy-to-use and well-designed editor windows to help you create AIs and flock units in minutes.DemoA simple script to control some of the demo scenes' properties (Spawned flocks counts, camera movement speed...)3 modelled, animated, ready-to-use AIs: Whale (Neutral), Shark (Aggressive), and Mahi Mahi (Passive Flee).2 ready-to-use Flock Units: Mackerel and Emperor Angelfish.1 Demo scene for AIs.1 Demo scene for Flock Units.A water enter/exit script controller to create the underwater illusion.A over/under water based audio system (Head fish sound only when the camera is underwater).DependenciesPost Processing StackI am actively working on adding more features but I can't promise anything about their release date, here are the top priority ones: Fixed Flock Group Count, Fixed Frame Rate Update(Optimization), and Flocks Attacking/Fleeing AIs.P