Bring life to your 2D projects with soft cables!
✅ What's included in the LITE package:
✔ Cable Renderer
Hanging cable with customizable wind animations.
✔ Included Features:
◾ A fully customizable and animated cable renderer that you can easily adapt to any of your 2D games.
◾ Easy editing with dedicated editor gizmos and editor-time animations.
◾ Different coloring modes.
◾ Supports both SpriteRenderer and CanvasRenderer.
❌ What's NOT included in the LITE package:
◻ Elastic String Renderer
Can be pulled and bounces back when released.
◻ Tentacle Renderer
It bends, it twists, it can be used to create monsters, smoke effects, grass, trails...
◻ Rope Renderer
Hangs from the ceiling and swings back and forth when released or moved around.
◻ Presets (List of available presets can be found here)
◻ Textured color mode
✅✅ Full package available here:
Online Documentation: