65 3D models of Modular Sword components that can be used to generate a seemingly endless amount of swords in a single click.
Every single aspect is customizable, in fact its strongly encouraged!Modular Sword pieces that can be mixed and matched at will. Comes with a simple but robust system that can generate an insane amount of combinations.The provided example scripts are easy to read and commented, but no further support is offered for it, it may be powerful but it is merly an example.Everything included is subject to change and/or removal.Many projects planned, and in varring stages of development, make sure to check back often,We thank you for your support!Comes with example scripts for randomization.*19 Very basic Materials*Contains 1 prefab assets.*17 Blades in total (41 - 349 Verts)*17 Cross-Guards in tota (34 - 293 Verts)*16 Grips in total (34 - 211 Verts)*15 Pommels in total (30 - 359 Verts)*Total count - 10K Verts**Subect to change