2D Animated mosquitoes for plat-former games and any other type of games2D Animation spritesheet of Mosquito with 7 animations.Mosquito comes with two variation and has Fly ,Hit, death and many basic animations in it.Animation done with png sequences.You can use the pack in commercial purpose.Technical Details:-- Total Spritesheets : 14- Design type : Cartoony, 2D- Characters : Mosquito, Old wizard mosquito- Animations : 7(Fly, Attack, Half_dead, Dead, Tired, Hit, Look)- File format : PNG- Sheet Resolution and Frames count:Mosquito_attack - 5305 x 3416 (20 Frames)Mosquito_Dead - 1061 x 854(1 Frame)Mosquito_Half Dead - 5305 x 1708 (10)Mosquito_Hit - 5305 x 2562 (15)Mosquito_FlyIdle - 5305 x 3416 (20)Mosquito_Look - 5305 x 5978 (35)Mosquito_Tired - 5305 x 3416(20)Features:-- Different unique mosquitoes- Cute and funny character- Smooth loop animations (30 fps abow)- Easy to adjust speed of the animation using unity editor- Prefabs included- Rigidbody, 2D Box colliders attached- Easy to use(Drag and drop)- Well arranged folders- High quality images- Mobile supported- Demo scenes & Guides includedHow to use:-Simply drag and drop any Spritesheet animation from the Prefab (Mosquito > Prefabs) folder to your scene and use it.About Me : "SR Studios Kerala", Indie Game developer & 3D-2D Genaralist Artist from Alappuzha, Kerala, IndiaContact : srstudioskerala@gmail.com