Object Detection for Unity WebGL(Tensorflow MobileNet model in example) .
Following plugin contains Example Scene and pdf for reference.Object Detection for Unity WebGL(Tensorflow MobileNet model in example) .Following plugin contains Example Scene and pdf for reference.Works with Unity Cloud BuildiOS & Android supportChromeOS supportWindows10 UWP supportLumin ( MagicLeap ) supportWebGL supportWin & Mac & Linux Standalone supportPreview support in the EditorWebGLObjectDetection is an Assets Plugin for using TensorFlow-JS from within Unity.Features:- Since this package contains TF-js, you are able to use the same API as TF-js.- You can image processing in real-time by using the WebCamTexture or Camera Texture capabilities of Unity. (real-time face /object detection works smoothly)System RequirementsBuild Win Standalone & Preview Editor : Windows 8 or laterBuild Mac Standalone & Preview Editor : OSX 10.11 or laterBuild Linux Standalone & Preview Editor : Ubuntu16.04 or laterBuild Android : API level 24 or laterBuild iOS : iOS Version 9.0 or laterBuild WebGL : Any