The Advanced Locomotion Controller allows you to quickly and efficiently create a dynamic character for your Third Person Game. It will fast-track your project and create an Immersive Character.What is the Advanced Locomotion Controller + Climbing System?The Advanced Locomotion Controller is a tool built with Unity to allow you to fast-track the progress of your Third Person Game. The features included in the Advanced Locomotion Controller allow for an immersive gameplay feel. The Third Person Parkour and Action Genre are fulfilled with this asset and its immersive gameplay style.The Advanced Locomotion Controller + Climbing System includes Advanced IK Foot Placement, Advanced Locomotion, Dynamic Vaulting, Dynamic Sliding, Dynamic Covering, Dynamic Footsteps, and much more capabilities. Furthermore, it includes a state-of-the-art climbing system packed with many features to make a realistic AAA game quickly and efficiently.All features are customizable through the custom inspectors and editors and can be easily changed through the help of the FasTPS Advanced Locomotion Controller + Climbing System Documentation.📝Documentation▶️Youtube Tutorials/Showcase✔️ Climbing SystemLinear and Jumping Movement8 Directional MovementDismount and Drop-Ledge FeaturesMounting and Fall-Off FeaturesFree HangingTurn Around (Hanging)Jump Back and ForwardTurn Corners (Inwards and Outwards)✔️ New Input System Controller/Keyboard Compatability 🎮💻Xbox, Playstation, and Keyboard Input.New Input SystemCross-Platform SupportPersistent Rebinding System✔️ Advanced Locomotion Controller 💨 8 Directional MovementStand, Crouch, Jump StatesBlend Tree || No Root MotionCustom Editors and Inspectors For Easier DevelopmentRealistic RotationAnalog Movement || Strafe RunningRealistic SlidingLanding Roll✔️ Dynamic Footsteps🎵5 Different Ground LayersDriven By TagsAligned With Footsteps through Animation Events✔️ Dynamic Vaulting System ⬛Dynamic Foot Curves on Wall8 Vault Animations Randomly PlayedDynamic Vault HeightsDynamic Wall Run Heights✔️ Dynamic Auto-Step SystemRunning and Walking Auto-StepDynamic HeightsModular Step Speeds✔️ Humanoid Rig Characters 🧍Change Characters with Custom Editor in SecondsModular Character Creation FeaturesCharacter Creator Editor Window: Tools > FasTPS > Character Creator✔️ Advanced Foot IK Placement 🦶Foot IK Curves and Realistic RotationDynamic Body PositioningFoot and Body Modular Lerp Speeds✔️ Covering SystemDynamic CoveringTwo Heights (Crouching || Standing)Toggle Out of CoveringWalk Out of Covering✔️Cinemachine Camera 🎥Advanced Camera CollisionsNew Input System Controller📄 Third-Party Asset LicensingAsset uses "Tittillium Web Google Font" under SIL Open Font License (0FL); see Third-Party Notices.txt file in the package for details.Note: Robot Is Not Included In Package || Another Model Is Included (FasTPS Bot)Features:- Climbing System- Advanced Foot IK- Advanced Locomotion Controller- Sliding || Auto-Step || Vaulting- Footstep Sounds- New Input System || Controller and Keyboard Compatability