There are 10 lowpoly female characters in this asset. All characters share the same rig and they are fully compatible with Mixamo animationsAnimations(mixamo) in the video are not included. If you have any question about the content, please contact us via info@dalakgames.comName || PolyCount || VertexCount || TriCountcharacter_female_basic = 7650 8854 15300character_female_biker = 10289 13621 20366character_female_candy = 10535 14853 21070character_female_dressed = 8162 10787 16324character_female_hula = 7485 9670 14206character_female_pinupGirl = 11798 16120 23539character_female_pirate = 10247 14168 21417character_female_rollerSkater = 10538 13722 20596character_female_santa = 9060 11939 17942character_female_witch = 10331 13478 20588