Simple Cat with Funny Animations Vol.4
Southport Art Studio
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
10/18(2022) |
5.49 |
11/06(2024) |
5.49 |
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Southport Art Studio
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Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
10/18(2022) |
5.49 |
11/06(2024) |
5.49 |
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This is a low poly 3D animated cat works with generic.
It has 20 types of funny animations and 8 types of faces.
Every cat can use all animations in "Simple Cat" series.8 types of Cats with animations- Rosa- Rosa_Challenge- Rosa_Relax- Rosa_Yawn- Rosa_B- Rosa_Challenge_B- Rosa_Relax_B- Rosa_Yawn_BFlower with animation- Flower- Animations : 21- Animation type :01_Idle02_Walk03_Run04_Jump05_Sit06_Eat07_Catloaf08_Sleep_L09_Sleep_R10_Challenge_Pose_L11_Challenge_Pose_R12_Challenge_Walk_L13_Challenge_walk_R14_Puripuri16_Punch_L17_Punch_R20_Tyontyon01_L21_Tyontyon01_R22_Tyontyon02_L23_Tyontyon02_RFlower- Minimum polygon count : 2172- Maximum polygon count : 15492- Average polygon count of Rosa : 15312- Prefabs : 9- Textures : 13- Texture size : 1024x1024- System requirements : Ver.2019.4.0 or higher (Ver.2020.3.0 is not recommended.)
▼ Humble Bundle
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