The abandoned village is a 3D environment pack that contains all the assets to make a complete scene.You can walk around the demo yourself: Download Demo (1.2gb)Package includes: Cliffs, rocks, boulders, trees, houses, interior props and a huge variety of wooden structures and elements(see tehcnical description for a more detailed list).The pack also includes 15 ground surface materials with 4K textures and ambient wind sounds as well as a demo scene showcasing the models.No custom shaders in use, which means that all assets and their materials can be converted to other pipelines.This package includes(in detail):7 Cliffs5 Single Boulders7 Scattered Boulder Meshes4 Cliff Platforms5 Small Scattered Rock Meshes2 Waterfalls/River Bed models4 Rock Floor Meshes1 Background Mountain2 Leaf Decals4 Ground Meshes8 Dead Trees5 Normal Trees15 Ground Surface Materials7 Houses6 Bridge Models8 Fence Models14 Wooden Structures4 House Attachments31 House Interior Props21 Additional Props (Wooden Logs, Planks Chopped Wood, Containers, etc.)6 Footstep Sounds7 Wind SoundsFalling Leaves VFXYou can further expand this pack with my High-Poly Cliffs and Rocks PackThis package includes:7 Cliffs5 Single Boulders7 Scattered Boulder Meshes4 Cliff Platforms5 Small Scattered Rock Meshes2 Waterfalls/River Bed models4 Rock Floor Meshes1 Background Mountain2 Leaf Decals4 Ground Meshes8 Dead Trees5 Normal Trees15 Ground Surface Materials7 Houses6 Bridge Models8 Fence Models14 Wooden Structures4 House Attachments31 House Interior Props21 Additional Props (Wooden Logs, Planks Chopped Wood, Containers, etc.)6 Footstep Sounds7 Wind SoundsFalling Leaves VFXMesh:High-Poly models whith LODs.Polycounts for cliffs start from around 150k and go as low as 5k(triangles)Trees 10k-1kScattered Boudlers 50k-2kHouses 20k-10kWooden Structures 10k-1kTextures:PBR texturesTexture dimesions are mostly 2K with cliffs and ground materials having 4KTextures include:AlbedoNormal MapMask map (which includes)Ambient OcclusionMetalicSmoothnessHeight Map (for ground surfaces)Demo Scenes are renderd in HDRP