Click just one time to build multiple versions of your Game, each of them with their specific configuration and platforms.Do you build more than one version of your game? For instance: a version for mobile, another for PC; one complete, other a demo version, or maybe one with ads, another ad-free, and so on?This is the right asset for you!Stop risking making human mistakes (yes, I do them as you do as well), by setting up a complete strategy for your different version builds, click one time and see all of them ready in the right folders. And you can extend and customize as well.Worth noting: we have found that version strategy may not work accurately for iOS and Android builds, in special if using TestFlight. We will soon release a new version improving in this direction. Please get in contact through our Discord server if this is caping your usage of One Click Builder.Multiple versions (build story)Multiple build targets (platforms) in each versionVersion strategy (increase version automatically)Define symbolsFlexible foldersScenes strategy (you can specify an entry scene and a scenes list for each build story)Menu, Inspector and CLI toolingEasy to reuse (story files are scriptable objects, you can copy to other projects)CustomizableExamplesFull documentationSupport through Discord or e-mailVery intuitive and easy to understandCompatible with Steamworks.NET, PlayTest versions, mobile and multiple operating systems (limited to options Unity provides for each specific platform)